Fostering personal resilience in healthcare workers: efficacy and profiles of change

Abstract: Non-technical skills (NTS) are promoted in healthcare workers’ training to improve individual resilience and coping strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a research-intervention concerning the development of NTS. A battery of self-report measures of resilience, coping, emotional intelligence, burnout and, as control variables, personality traits associated with adaptive and maladaptive psychological functioning was administered to a sample of 76 workers of the Department of Clinical Pathology of an Italian Hospital (F = 80%, mean age 50±7 years), before and 6 months after the training. The Reliability Change Index (RCI) was computed to evaluate the participants’ change in the target constructs. Cluster analysis performed on RCI scores yielded a 2-cluster solution: participants in Cluster1 (34%) showed substantial worsening on most of the evaluated constructs, whereas participants in Cluster2 (66%) showed an improvement. A logistic regression revealed that neither socio-demographic characteristics nor personality traits were predictive of cluster membership. The results suggest that a training focused on NTS seems to foster a pattern of positive change in two thirds of the workers under investigation, and that this change is not predictable from personality characteristics. Implications for developing future interventions are discussed.